Using Hydraulic Racing Pedals For Your Simulator May Be Faster...

You're probably trying to make a decision on what kind of pedals you want to go with next... Maybe you're looking at load cell pedals, maybe some with hall sensors... Or maybe you're looking for the best option of all, hydraulic.

In this blog post, I want to highlight the reasons why hydraulic pedals are the best choice if you're looking to be your fastest most consistently.

What are hydraulic sim pedals?

Hydraulic sim pedals are simulator pedals that use hydraulics just like your car on them. When they are creating a signal for the computer to read, they use pressure sensors to output that signal. There are a few different types of hydraulics available for pedals. Sim Coaches uses Wilwood products because they produce a high-quality, consistent product that is the same every time.

The hydraulics are the same commonly found in race cars. This ensures you get an accurate feeling that you'll for sure enjoy.

Who will benefit from hydraulic pedals?

People always ask, "are hydraulic pedals for me?" and the answer is always the same. YES. If you're trying to compete online, you need hardware that is going to help you be consistent. 

When you use products that don't feel realistic it's almost like you're having to re-learn how to drive. They don't feel like the real thing putting you way off the mark.

Why wouldn't you just use hardware that feels realistic to start?
Most drivers don't realize there is equipment even available to them that gives this kind of feedback, and we're constantly updating ours to make them better.


Do your pedals have software?

Software is an extremely important piece of what can make great equipment.

You're able to stand out from the rest by allowing drivers to completely change profiles and more. 

At the time of writing this, our software is in Beta stage. We have a group of drivers testing it and checking for bugs. We will be pushing this update out to all drivers in the next few weeks. 

Our software will allow you to:

- Completely change individual pedal outputs.

- Save profiles for easy retrieval wherever you are.

- Compatibility for all simulator platforms. (Restricted to PC) 
and more...

Check back for more info on our software as we'll update again with more.

What's the overall purpose of the hydraulics?

With the hydraulics, we are able to simulate a more realistic feel when you're pressing on the pedals. The brake pedal has the ability to be depressed with as little as 75lbs of force all the way up to 500lbs of force to simulate your favorite car.
The force required is easily tune-able with a bias knob placed on the side of the pedals. 
By using hydraulics that feel realistic, you're able to build your muscle memory. If you haven't been racing for long, muscle memory is how you become consistent. 
Whether you're practicing for a race in real life, or you're trying to practice for a race in real life, by increasing your ability to be consistent will help you win more races.
After using them for time, you won't be able to go back because the feeling is so different.

Why are they more expensive...?

An extremely common question is: "Why are hydraulic pedals so expensive?"
There are a few different factors. For us, we design, test, and manufacture right in house. As prices of materials change, we change our prices accordingly. As of recently, prices of aluminum and misc. pieces has drastically risen. 

We use only the highest quality of parts when we assemble our products together. Whether its a piece of our machined billet pieces, we QR each piece when we assemble to ensure you're getting the highest of quality parts...
Wiring harnesses are built-by-hand in house by our team.

There isn't a piece on our products that don't pass through our hands. 

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